domingo, 21 de novembro de 2010

One more interesting site

Here, you can read and answer the questions about the text on line. Don't forget to post your impressions about it.


quarta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2010

Another Reading

to do online. This is a site which offers lots of different exercises to be done online. I chose a reading one (of course :)  ), but you can do others, grammar and cinema tasks.

I hope you enjoy!!

segunda-feira, 15 de novembro de 2010

Reading Exercise

Do the exercise on the site: According to sentence you choose, the story changes. Post the end of your story given by the site.


Interesting Links:

Here are some very interesting links for the ones who want to improve reading and writing skills:

A Complete Free English Course

Learn English and Make Friends                                  

Activities and Exercises in English

Here are just some of the wonderful things we find on the internet to give a new energy to our studies (if you are already a teacher, they help you a lot!).

Primeiros Passos

Antes de mais nada, é preciso conhecer o nosso propósito aqui: utilizar as novas tecnologias e ferramentas para praticar nossa leitura e escrita em língua inglesa. Então, teremos, além das atividades em sala de aula, tarefas a serem feitas também neste blog. Além disso, todos os participantes poderão postar seus "achados" na rede, desde que sejam interessantes e que vão contribuir com o nosso propósito.
So, be comfortable to participate, not only to do the tasks of our subject, but also to share what you find around.